Statement from FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, M.D., on FDA actions to bring relief to citizens of Puerto Rico; to help the island recover its considerable and economically vital medical product manufacturing base; and to prevent critical shortages of life-saving drugs made in Puerto Rico

As an agency dedicated to promoting public health, and as fellow Americans, the staff at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is doing all it can to support the immediate needs of Puerto Ricans following the destruction of Hurricane Maria. First and foremost, these efforts are focused around our mission driven responsibilities to ensure the safety of the medical products, blood and the food supply needed by residents of the island. Our efforts also encompass challenges that are unique to Puerto Rico. The island is home to a substantial base of manufacturing for critical medical products that supply the entire world. This industrial base is an important source of jobs and economic vitality for the island. It is a key to Puerto Rico’s economic recovery. The manufacturing facilities are also a pivotal source of critical medical products for the entire United States. Helping to bring these resources back in operation is an important goal of ours and of Puerto Rico’s.

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